Zan Kuncic
Zan Kuncic
Nationality: Slovenian   Current Location: Radovljica, Slovenia    Kayaks: Machno, 9R L
Nationality: Slovenian
Location: Radovljica, Slovenia
Kayaks: Machno, 9R L

I like almost everything that is going on in the great outdoors, especially if some adrenaline is included! My favourite hobbies are mountain biking, hiking, skiing, traveling and motorsport; and then there is kayaking, which for me is more than just a hobby, it is a way of life; exploring new grounds, living as simple a life as possible, looking for new rivers and big adventures.

I started kayaking at the age of 15 while attending a 3 day long kayak course; it was so cool that I spent more and more time on the river, and soon kayaking became my number one sport. Low volume creeks I love the most but I am really keen on our local river, the Soča; it allows me to enjoy boulder garden rapids all year, especially during the summer when I work there as a kayak and raft guide.


My favourite boat is definitely the Machno; after paddling the 9R L, which has a race-inspired design, the Machno is definitely more all-round orientated.

The Machno L is huge, and perfect for multi-days, however steering is super easy, and it is very stable due to the wide hull. The thing I like the most though is the new outfitting, which is really compact, but at the same time so comfortable that I would keep sitting in my boat when the run is over.


Find out more about Žan's kayaking adventures with Leeway Collective.

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