Rok Rozman
Rok Rozman
Nationality: Slovenian   Current Location: Zgornja Lipnica, Slovenia    Kayaks: Machno, 9R L, Jed
Nationality: Slovenian
Location: Zgornja Lipnica, Slovenia
Kayaks: Machno, 9R L, Jed

After quitting my career as an Olympic athlete in rowing, I got enough free time to embrace all the activities I adore so much; fly fishing, bird watching, mountaineering, climbing, cycling, ski touring, biology / ecology, and the most important one to me, kayaking.

Kayaking has an exceptional place in my heart because it is a sport that demands a special lifestyle; being dependent on nature's cycles when waiting for the perfect flow after rain or snow melt is something brilliant to me, as it is as true and as nature-connected as it gets.

Kayaking also brought seemingly unreachable places and perspectives to me, not only about surroundings but also about myself; amongst those special places, the Soča, as my home river remains my favorite run and is always there, offering me the opportunity to clear my mind and simply enjoy life.


My #1 Pyranha boat is the Machno, for sure; it's all I need from a kayak, packed in one design!

The Machno goes fast when I need it to, holds a line, boofs like crazy, has enough space in the back for multi-days, and allows me to try new lines and drops with confidence as it gets me out of the mess when I push too far, and kayaking is all about that; searching for new rivers, lines, and limits.

When people ask me how I would describe the Machno, or compare it to other kayaks, I can't find a better way to put it than to say that the Machno happened when the 9R had a night out with the Shiva; go give it a try!

Even though I'm not in to kayak races, I still keep a 9R L to hand for when I feel like carving eddies and going fast, whilst still being able to pull off big boofs, and even though I'm 190cm tall and weigh 95kg, I can go playboating with ease in the Jed L, and that allows me to try and learn some new tricks each summer.


Find out more about Rok's kayaking adventures with Leeway Collective, as well as their projects, such as the Balkan Rivers Tour; or better still, join them on their actions!

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