Nicole Mansfield
Nicole Mansfield
Nationality: American   Current Location: Washington, USA    Kayaks: Burn III, Speeder, Jed
Nationality: American
Location: Washington, USA
Kayaks: Burn III, Speeder, Jed

I went to college with aspirations of becoming an engineer; during my sophomore year, I took a whitewater kayaking class to fulfil a mandatory PE requirement; I was wet, cold, and addicted.

Although Ledyard Canoe Club stole my focus, I managed to graduate; I still haven't used my official degree, but instead allow paddling to dominate my lifestyle and decision making.

What I love about kayaking is that it's fun, but also challenging; it makes me happy and keeps me sane, and at the end of river time, you can drink a beer and put dry clothes on!

All aspects of kayaking are enjoyable, but river running, that's my favorite; I especially dig exploring new stretches of whitewater, whether it's casual and scenic, or a bit of a strugglefest; in particular, overnighters are the cat's pajamas.

I love to travel, but a familiar lap down the White Salmon or Little White with all my good buddies is irreplaceable.


It's crazy to think, but the Burn has been my trusty steed for 7 years now; it's evolved a couple of times and just keeps getting better.

A versatile kayak, the Burn excels equally on high volume rivers as on steep creeks; it boofs, it rolls, it's fast, playful, and tracks wonderfully.

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