Fundraiser for Gina; A Member of the Pyranha Family

A member of the Pyranha Kayaks family, Gina Visalli, was diagnosed with breast cancer in the latter half of 2019. While her journey so far has been successful, the road is not over yet.

As you can imagine, cancer takes a toll physically, mentally, and financially. One of the best qualities of this kayaking community we are all a part of is its supportive nature, and our hope is that you will join us in raising some money for Gina and her partner, Dave Fusilli, to help them cover some of the financial burden.

So, here's the deal… we have built a fully custom, 9R II Medium in solid Fuchsia, with custom anodised grab handles and security bars, to raffle off to one lucky winner!

Our goal is to raise funds towards Gina's medical expenses, with anything over this amount being donated to Julie Beliel Cancer Screening. To enter, all you have to do is purchase a raffle ticket via the links below, answering this simple question:

Which of the following is also a model of Pyranha kayak?

Ticket bundles are also available, which get you more chances for less money!

Buy UK and EU Tickets here
Buy US Tickets here

The winner will be announced on our Instagram channels (@pyranhauk and @pyranhaus_official) on or after Monday 1st of March 2021.

Thank you, and good luck!


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