We will be putting on a display of some of our key canoes and kayaks form over the years, some you'll remember and some you won't, at Pyranha Fest in the autumn of 2011 in Llangollen, North Wales.We hope you'll send in some of your recollections of your Pyranha Kayaks, plus any photos you might have. We are of course interested in expeditions, but we're also and perhaps more so, interested in memorable paddling close to your home, perhaps on your own or with your family or club, and what your Pyranha kayak has meant to you.

We hope that you'll give us permission to print some of these and we intend to make a limited edition book that will be available in the autumn and free to any whose contributions are chosen.
We have been fairly prolific with our designs over the years, and so some we haven't seen for a while. We have many boats that you'll remember including 1976 Everest's, Albert Kerrs and Richard Fox's World Championship kayaks, plus Waterfall Record holders and Award winning Freestyle kayaks.We are looking for some to comlete the collection, if you have any of the following you would like to sell, or loan us for PyranhaFest please get in touch.
1971 Preslemyer Phantom 3
1973 Viper Whitewater Racer
1974 Bullet 1
We're also particularly keen to contact Colin Hill -World Rolling Record holder