The annual Wet West Paddlefest, now in it’s 8th year took place last weekend, and as per usual was awesome. The lure of guaranteed dam releases on the Moriston and Garry rivers, in combination with the obligatory party was too much for many to resist, and there were all sorts of familiar faces bobbing around the eddies and gurning down the drops. Some hardy souls had even made the epic journey all the way from the south coast to Scotland to be there.
Pyranha was in attendance with their entire fleet of demo river runners and creekers, the latter proving particularly popular on the Moriston.

There was just enough rain in the area to bring up some of the local runs to paddleable levels, so aswell as the planned dam releases with shuttles laid on, the Nevis, Etive, Orchy and even some lesser explored runs, were also fired-up, rounding off an excellent event.
Many thanks to the Organisers and the SCA for putting on yet another cracking event.
Photos by Tim Burne and Dave Burne