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Video: Little White Salmon – Low Side of Good

Typically once the Ldub gets below around 2.8 or so, most people stop going out there. We start running the Truss and the Cispus, and save Little White laps for next season. But this year, once it reached the end of summer, everything was pretty dang low, and on a nice hot sunny day, we decided to drop into the ldub at the lowest of low flows and at least descend the gorge. Its a sick gorge and cold clear pretty water, how bad could it be??? Well it turns out there are still some super fun rapids in there! The manky parts of the run were pretty bad, but the good parts were still awesome! Well worth the trip, so much that I ended up doing 3 laps that week!  Its not your typical little white edit, but here is a fun little video of some good times on the ldub. Island time all the time!

Roosting off spirit, it is still $$$ at these flows!

Roosting off spirit, it is still $$$ at these flows!

–  Clay