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Upper Upper EF Kaweah exploring

Stoked to finally check out what the Upper Upper East Fork Kaweah had to offer.  Nathan Hunkapiler, Macy Burnham & Chris Tulley 1’st D’ed a steep portion of the Upper Upper 2 years ago that uncovered some goods, but required the team to hike out on day two due to time constraints.  This left the trio amped on the Upper Upper & wondering what the “middle” Upper Upper had to offer, as there was 6 miles unaccounted for.  Joining up with the original team +1, Cully Thomas – we dropped into Upper Upper to complete the 1st Descent.  After a quick bushwack entrance to the gorge a mile downstream of where they originally hiked out, we kicked off the trip with some wooded drops and slides, and one crux pinch drop that had a cool, must make wall move.  Upon arriving to the confluence of Horse Creek, we all couldn’t pass up the opportunity to camp at one of the coolest camp spots in the Kaweah Drainage!  Horse Creek dropped steeply into the Upper Upper East Fork and contained numerous slides and one nice big fall (*shallow landing*).  We hiked up and did multiple laps on it and laid down to sleep, only to be woken at 5am by rain.  Putting on the rising East Fork super early, we finished out the Upper Upper and dropped into the “Upper EF”…whew lots of upper stretches (as the EF continues to prove that it contains some of the best, most continuous whitewater anywhere).  The Upper EF was a real treat and had some surprising gorges and drops that had the whole team stoked and feeling it.  Here are some pix.  – video soon.


1st D of Horsecock Falls, Horse Creek California.  Chris Tulley photo


Gorgeous lighting for a late afternoon boof. Culley Thomas photo


A stout drop on the Upper EF Kaweah.  Chris Tulley photo


Macy named this one Gorneria – “if ya dropped into thar u’ed be a goner son”


Parting shot – Horse Creek and Upper Upper EF confluence.  Cully Thomas photo
