As a committed long-term addict to the Burn / Everest series of boats I had mixed feelings when I heard that Pyranha were developing a new large boat. These feelings were compounded when I paddled the first prototype in North Wales, the boat just didn’t feel right, more like a creek boat from a decade …
Tag Archive: whitewater kayaking
Chasing Rainbows
Rivers come and rivers go, one eddy flows to the next wave – we make our choices and move on. Never stopping, restless and awaiting. It is the drive to go with the river that takes us to its heart – moving us onwards to its end. Dirty and dusty after over night bus rides, …
Extreme Sports Week in Voss, Norway
  Voss extreme sports week boasts a vast array of activities for adrenalin seekers, as well as some great parties and live bands for those not so keen on adventure sports (check out the details here: Of course, we at Team Pyranha are interested in the kayaking! Voss is a mecca for boating and …
Soul Searching and Lost Wilderness: Last Part
Vacation vs. Expedition musings, Douglas Creek Revisited, and what’s at stake in the race for BC Hydro development. Check it our Here.