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Tag Archive: Stern Squirt


3 Glorious Years of Ripping it Up

October this year (2020) will mark 3 years since the first Ripper left the mould; to mark the occasion, we decided to catch up with Bren Orton to find out what impact it’s had on his paddling…


Tom’s Top Tips for Tailees

John Lennon once said, ‘Someone getting vertical in their boat is either really into kayaking, or knows someone who is really into kayaking…’


Pyranha Ripper | My Go-To Boat

I seriously cannot get enough of this boat! The Ripper is perfect for everything from waterfalls, to big volume rivers, to low volume creeks.


Allow Me to Reintroduce the Z.One!

Owning just one kayak seems a thing of the past; in the days of kayaks becoming more and more specialised, many paddlers have multiple boats and a range of options depending on what kind of water they want to paddle. Having observed the transition from paddlers doing everything from rodeo to waterfalls in the same …

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