As you may have seen in some of the other posts on here, a proposed hydro scheme on the Fairy Glen section of the Conwy is imminent.
However, today you can help make a difference.

To read up on more on this please visit:
Then you can either email your own opinions to or copy and paste the template email below.
Mr Richard Thomas
Snowdonia National Park Authority
National Park Offices
LL48 6LF
Tel 01766 770272 fax 01766 771211
Application Ref:
Registration Date:
Proposed hydro scheme up to 5MW comprising construction of intake weir, tunnel, buried pipeline,
buried powerhouse building with outfall, switchgear room and transformer, and including biodiversity
and recre
ational enhancement proposals, and alterations to existing vehicular access off the A470(T)
near Fairy Glen Hotel, Betws y Coed
Dear Mr Thomas
I am writing to object to the planning application listed above.
I feel North Wales holds some of the most incredible areas of nature left in the UK and am fearful of the precedent this hydro scheme will set, especially as it is set in a SSSI.
The Conwy is also a river I have a personal relationship with as I am a whitewater kayaker. I will be very dissapointed to see the average flows of this section decreased due to the fact this is the most reliable section of whitewater at it’s difficulty level.
Thank you for taking the time to read this email,
Kind regards
If you’ve sent some emails in the past, or are going to send an email today then thank you so much. I really do love this section of whitewater. Below are some videos from some of the incredible times I’ve had on this river.