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Snow melt boating – and new MOLAN at marsh!!!












Team P’s Richard Brooks putting the new Molan to work at Marsh Weir on the Thames, UK!

 Two exciting things happened as the weekend approached last week. Richard Brooks got his much-awaited Molan, the new Pyranha playboat, AND as if it had been planned, the snow started to melt and the heavens opened to give us a hearty dose of H2O.
We headed to Marsh to test out what the Molan was like on the wave. Marsh weir is near Henley on the Thames in the UK (for more information and weir levels, see, and water levels had risen hugely over Saturday night – so we had perfect levels. Rich loved the Molan – I took a few pictures for you all to see what it looks like on a wave. He is working on some video footage he took as well – so stay tuned for the update!



Richard on the far side on Marsh

DSC_0075I have a go too…although, I am waiting for the SMALL MOLAN I think!











On Saturday we left London at 5.30 in the morning and headed to South Wales with plans to run the Mellte – however when we got there, we found levels to be massive and decided to go elsewhere. The result was a superb run on the Upper Tawe (all of our first times down). The river has some really cool drops and slides which kept us entertained for many hours. There was plenty of water and the snow hadn’t quite melted, but it felt positively tropical in comparison to last weekend when we were boating in practically sub-zero temperatures! What a great weekend. Bring on more rain and even warmer temperatures.

One of the many small boof drops on the Upper Tawe!

Fun slides too.

For more photos check out .

Hope to see you all at Pyranha Fest at the Dart in Devon!