Thought I would share a few photos from the past season. It was an interesting one. Grad school kept me busy in Vancouver, but I still managed to get out a bunch. And when we got out, it was always really good!
The highlight of the year was without question our Homathko to Waddington expedition together with fellow team Pyranha paddler Chris Tretwold and Frenchman Jules Domine. On this trip we paddled down the Homathko to access Mt. Waddington, B.C.’s highest peak for ski mountaineering. Read all about it in the current Kayak Session (KS#44).

Maxi entering Birthday Canyon, Homathko. Phot

Chris skinning up on the Homathko to Wadd trip

The boys at cam
After that it was back to Vancouver, with lots of little trips in the area. Some more successful, some less.

Sam Ricketts on the uppder Mamquam drop

Ric Mox
Then it was time for the annual Callaghan Race. Some pre-race confusion resulted in us competing in a team of three with Ric Moxon, Darren Albright and myself. It was a great day and tough race. Thanks for everyone that came out. We got lucky and managed to defend our title (Ric and I that is).

Greg Daspher on Race day. Callaghan Cree
It’s starting to be ski season over here. But before I fully commit to the two boards on my feet, I’ll have to get some more sun in my face and some more water under my boat. Tomorrow I am heading to Ecuador for one months of boating. Sweet!
Have fun everyone and be safe out there!