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Road Warriors



Dem rays somewhere in NV

For the last week and a half myself and Kevin Burkhead have been traveling the west coast, like Santa Clause during Christmas delivering fresh new kayaks to our west side dealers. Thus far we have brought smiles to the faces of our people in San Fransico, Bend OR, Hood River OR, Portland OR, Seattle and Belingham WA. Now with all this work being done it was of coarse essential for Kevin and Myself to have a little fun.

San Fran

Golden Gate Bridge
San Fran

San Fran

San Fran was the stop for our first adventure. Kevin and Myself grabbed a few sea kayaks and despite the great whites and extreme gnar winds we paddled out into the San Fran bay to check out the Golden Gate Bridge and Alcatraz.

Crater Lake

Crater Lake

Next was a quick stop at Crater Lake. The lake is 1,949 feet (594 m) deep at its deepest point which makes it the deepest lake in the United States, this is a very cool spot I like.

Mt. Hood

Mt. Hood

So after the Large Lake experience we rolled on and at about this point I’m sure Kevin was ready to get to Hood River because that was all I had been talking about for the last five days. Yes the Little White and White Salmon were running. So I like the White Salmon, but the Little White is just so damn good. We arrived in Hood Friday night just in time to meet up with our good friends LJ Groth, Max Blackburn, Miguel Sheilds, and Evan Garcia just to mention a few, and bust out a quick run on the White Salmon. All was going great, we just got out of the truck and we were finally kayaking until we reached BZ Falls were I was forced into preforming a wet exit. I got redemption the next day.


BZ I made it this time!

Kevin Stylin Spirit

We ended up having a great weekend in the Hood meeting up with some fellow team paddlers as well. Leland and Andria Davis were also out enjoying the Little White so we hooked up with them and shot a few pics for yinz.


Leland at Boulder Sluce

Andria running the s##t

Leland getting Spiritual

Myself at Stove Pipe

Kevin at some clean 10 footer

Well thats all for now Im going to go take a tour of Werner paddles the best paddles in the world and then do some more truckin, peace.