The bible of Welsh river running, first written in the 1990’s by Chris Sladden, has long been the go-to book for river beta for boating in Wales. However, despite two re-prints since it’s intital publication, it hasn’t been available since 2008… the reason being that a new works was in the making.
Patrick Clissold and Tom Laws, two aficionados of all things wet and welsh, have been working with Chris to bring the book bang up to date, with major re-writes of all ~180 rivers, not to mention the addition of a  multitude of new pictures to the book.

In order to celebrate the launch, it was decided to have a party (it’s as good a reason as any). To make things marginally boating related, it was held at the Cardiff White Water Course, with 1/2 price paddling on offer and free demo boats all weekend.
Despite the weather on Saturday being a bit… welsh… Sunday was a fine day, and it fortunately coincided with the planned pirate galleon construction competition. Pyranha had provided an epic quantity of cardboard and gaffa tape, giving teams the morning to construct a pirate galleon, which could be piloted around the course.

Yes, it even had a figurehead!
Things may have got a little competitive, and before not too long, dual masts had been erected, crows nests added, rigging was rug(?!), cannon ports fashioned, and even a plank added to the “Avenger of the Valleys”. Quite a crowd gathered to watch the subsequent destruction of the creations as they battled round the course.
An excellent weekend was had by all, and if you haven’t got yourself a copy of the book already, click on the link here to buy it directly from the authors.

Incredible galleon inspired artwork – thanks, Dave F. Â
Thanks to Patrick Clissold and Dave Burne for the photos.