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Chile and Argentina Highlight Video

Well it has taken me a while but I finally put the finishing touches on my edit from Chile and Argentina this year. You can see a trip report of the whole adventure that I posted on this blog a few weeks ago here:  I have to give a massive shout out to everyone who filmed and contributed footage after my camera got stolen, thanks to Hayley, Colin, Kris, Matt, Logan, John and Sean!

Here is the link to the edit  South America Highlights ’13/’14  <—— Click Here!

Screen Shot 2014-05-27 at 5.20.56 PM

Hope y’all enjoy, Cheers!

– Clay



Pyranha Team Tour – On a mission – Augsburg

Welcome to the next stage of the Pyrahna Euro Team Tour 2014.  Our next stop on the tour took us to the famous Eiskanal Slalom course in Augsburg, which was host to the Olympic slalom event at the Munich Games.  We had a nice opportunity to set up our stand and show off our fleet of kayaks.

Our stand with Wolfgang

Our stand with Wolfgang Bolg

We were kindly put up in our friend Thomas Funke’s house that belongs to his wife’s Sylvia’s family where they operate enormous water turbines with a river running under the house.  There was a way to kayak under the house in higher water.  What a place to live.  This was to be our base of operations for the next week whilst we caught up on work and did some Rockie–based training around the grounds of the house and at the slalom course.

Turbine winch pull-ups

Turbine winch pull-ups

Ronja C1 Jed

Ronja C1 Jed

The WW course itself was built of an innovative design with far more gradient than seen in other artificial courses.  Built around the cities park system it is surrounded by forest and locals walking dogs and exercising   As well as being host to major slalom events since its construction, it is also extremely popular for white water and freestyle boaters alike with the legendary Augsburg rodeos held there in the past.  It has many different features to practice your skills.  If you are from the UK and planning a trip to Austria, it is a superb warm up for the bigger water and is directly on your way.

club paddler demo loop

Club paddler Burn 3 loop

Our event, that was held on Wednesday evening kicked off with demos, coaching and some music.  We had a great afternoon with many local club paddlers coming along to enjoy the water.  We hosted a BBQ after the show with Wolfgang Bolg from Kanu Treff and Thomas Funke from Kober paddles who are the go-to guys in the area if you require any white water kayaking gear.

Matt and Thomas BBQ

Matt and Thomas preparing the BBQ

Evening BBQ after the show

Evening BBQ after the show

It was great to see such a thriving kayaking community having fun on a course that runs 24 hours a day for the majority of the year.  There were a plethora of new and old school kayaks along with new and old school paddlers.  When the sun comes out (luckily it did for us) it is an extremely pleasant place to be.  We hope to improve the event for next year so if you’re in the area please stop by.

Matt, David, Thomas

Matt, David, Thomas doing electricity White water course Wolfgang Bolg – Local Pyranha Dealer for Augsburg

Stay tuned for more action at our next stop of the tour which will be at:

Pyranha Team Van – On a mission 🙂

Video link –


Team Pyranha at Adirondack Paddlefest

Image 7Each Spring the entire paddlesports industry (or at least it feels like it anyway) descends on the small town of Old Forge, New York for a weekend full of all things paddling.  The event is Mountain Man Outdoor Supply Company’s Adirondack Paddlefest.  Myself and fellow Team Pyranha paddler Tony Gianfagna held down the fort for Pyranha at the event.  We got people psyched on the new Burn, and answered every question under the sun about whitewater paddling.  On Saturday afternoon Tony and I teamed up to teach a very well attended rolling clinic for paddlefest participants.  We showed different types of rolls, got some cheers with hand rolls, and then someone asked the question, “what do you do if you can’t roll up?”  I lost the rock paper scissor decision had to demonstrate the wet exit.  We had a lot of fun with the folks who were watching.  There were certainly a few new whitewater paddlers in the crowd.


Image 9


Friday of Paddlefest was almost a total “wash” due to the torrents of rain falling from the sky.  We got up really early on Saturday morning to see beautiful blue skies and the gauges on Tug Hill Plateau sky high.  We rushed out the door, loaded up the truck, and we were in the water before 8:00 AM.  Our good friend Eric Adsit provided us the necessary local knowledge to make a run of the seldom paddled “BrokeBack Gorge” (yes that is what it’s really called).  This unique gorge is a shale/limestone crack in the middle of dairy farms as far as the eye can see.  It is a dreamy steep-walled canyon smack in the middle of farmland.  It is a bizarre geological anomaly that makes for some really fun paddling.  We made a quick run  of the multiple small drops and slides all the down to the super committing 35-footer that signifies the end of the gorge.  It was an unbelievable way to start the day.

Image 6



Supporting Pyranha and Mountain Man Outdoor Supply Company at this year’s Paddelfest was probably the most fun yet.  It is always a good time getting to hang out with paddlers from other parts of the industry, getting people psyched on Pyranha, and  getting to do some awesome paddling at the same time.


Pyranha Team Tour – On a mission – S2S Austria

Arrival to the Mountains- Team Tour in Innsbruck



Matt on the Melach

After the Markkleeberg festival we began the drive across to Innsbruck stopping in Augsburg for a good nights sleep.  We arrived at Source 2 Sea HQ late afternoon and left immediately for the river with our host Bernie and brother Dan.  We had been told it was a mission to take trees out of the river prior to the race on Saturday, so laden with multiple saws and ropes we set off down the river clearing all the trees from the winter.


After a cool night at the campsite we left for Oetz. Described as paradise by the many paddlers, climbers and bikers that have moved there never fails to disappoint with evening SUP trips down the Inn, Wellebrucke laps and even a bit of downhill biking to spice things up! It really is a super full on area, and definitely a place that should be on everyone’s trip list.



On Friday morning we headed back over to the S2S camp where we paddled the river Sill, which was a little on the low side but we had a successful run non-the less.  Saturday brought the start of the festival along with some better weather!! Both Matt and I played on the lake in the morning doing some polo, and then in the afternoon I left Matt running his extremely popular ‘come and try it’ sessions on the lake, and went to do the Melach Race.









The race was rocky and narrow but fairly fast with the team event times coming in around the 15-minute mark, and individual races at 4 minutes. I came in second place behind Daniel Haller with Daniel Klotzner coming just behind in third place.  This race really got me fired up and can’t wait until our next show down in Val Sessia.










Sunday came around and everyone headed off for a days paddling before driving back home.



The van has now come back to Augsburg in preparation for our event on Wednesday evening.

Stay tuned – Pyranha Team Van on FB

Video link –


Author – David Bain


Kalama Falls Washington and Shiva make friends!

A total of 30 laps on a juicy Kalama Falls in Washington, just outside the Columbia river gorge provided many sweet lines! This is a quick video I put together of Clay Lucas, Jesse Maddox, and myself charging some laps in our Shivas. It has been a great early season in the PNW with lots of water and good times to still be had!

Heres a link to the video of KALAMA FALLS  < —- Click to Watch!

The Shiva Loves this stuff! Soft landings, quick resurfaces and great control!



Thanks for checking it out! Now get out there and make some boofs!


Chris Morelli



Demshitz at Reno River Festival

Reno, being the wonderfully weird place it is, inspired Demshitz to try out some new tricks in the Reno River Festival’s freestyle competition. Dave arrived in Reno a day before my self, and managed to slip a quick practice session into his fully loaded schedule. I came flying into Reno the next day, and then boogied down to the competition feature to get in a little practice before the event. After spending a bit of time shaving down the ends of our Jed on the bottom of the feature, we felt like we’d really gotten the feature dialed in.

MattEnteringHoleThe next day started off pretty chilly, and the horizon wasn’t looking particularly friendly. Once it was time for the men class to go it had gone from chilly to flat out cold. That didn’t slow us down, though, and we ended up heading into finals with Dave in 4th and myself in 2nd . But, as we were finishing semi’s, we got hit with cold dirt rain mixed with what looked like snow. Faced with such a situation we decided the only reasonable course of action was hit the hot tub and have a beer while we waited for the rain to stop before finals.







Demshitz came out swinging in finals, and laid down some big rides with real weird tricks all while sharing the same boat in the same heat. After the first round Jacen Craig put together a huge 1300 point ride, and Dave and I decided that we’d have to get real weird to match that number. Dave, on his second ride, put together one of the strangest combos that I’d ever seen, a back phonix to mcnasty, and then proceeded to stick the shit out of it. He salted that ride with a space godzilla to loop and few other tricks to rack up an 1100 point ride which was enough to secure him solidly in second. I managed to put together a few tricky tricks like tricky loops and back loops to mcnasty’s, but never managed to put link everything up enough to move past 3rd.


The next day, while recovering from celebratory night, we took part in the boater cross. I ended up getting knocked out in the semi’s, but Dave managed to come back from the losers bracket to take 3rd.

Overall, Reno puts on a pretty awesome festival!



Demshitz on the podium



Dreaming of NZ Part 2 – White Water Rafting World Champs

After a week and a half of training, the GB rafting teams were fired up and ready to race!

Mens Sprint

The GB ladies laid down an awesome time to win Gold in the Sprint!

SprintSprint Medals

With a great crowd cheering them on, the ladies team gave their all in the Head-to-Head races but were knocked out by the eventual winners, Slovakia.

Head to Head Start ???????????????????????????????

Whilst the rafting teams were preparing for their next races, Team Fluffer (the boyfriends and husbands) managed to find time to paddle the lesser known Awesome and Smokey Gorges of the Kaituna.

Awesome GorgeStart of Smokey

Smoky GorgeNext up was the Slalom where an easy section of river was made much harder by an extremely challenging course. Both teams posted great times with the ladies narrowly missing out on a medal.

Slalom Slalom 2

Last of all was the Endurance race where the teams paddled flat out for nearly an hour down the beautiful Rangiteiki river. Again both GB teams paddled well but weren’t quite fast enough to get on the podium.

Downriver Start

The fluffers took it at a far more leisurely pace.

Bob and Dave

With the competition over, the group split up to do some exploring, making plans to meet back up on the South Island. We headed first to the Tongariro national park to hike up some volcanoes, but it chucked it down with rain so we went boating instead!


After that we got our geek on, went to see Frodo’s house and had a pint in the Green Dragon!

Frodos' House!Hobbiton

The Green Dragon

With heavy rain filling up the rivers we went for a high water paddle on the Mohaka with the locals…

Dave on the MohakaFran on Mohaka

then headed across to the Rangitikei for a blast down the river with the local rafting company…

Dave on Rangitikei Boofing Blind Rangitikei Rafting

After a brief encounter with Bert the Troll, we made it to the ferry for the next leg of our adventure in the South Island!



Grecian Odyssey

Just returned from a weeks boating trip to north western Greece over the Easter break. Despite the weather being uncharacteristically cold (apparently making national news in the country) the water levels remained good, and the sun came out just enough to make the decision of taking shorts instead of a drysuit the right one.

Dropping in on the Aoos river

Dropping in on the Aoos river

Pic by Phil Higgins

Sun in the Mileapotamos Black Canyon

Read the rest of this entry »


Exploring McWhorter Gulf

Photos by Ben Trister

Below: Adam Goshorn on the last of the bedrock slides before the streambed changed to boulders and the bottom dropped out!

AG Edge of the World by BT

McWhorter Gulf and its watershed are contained entirely within the boundaries of Pigeon Mountain Wildlife Management Area and speaking in terms of geographic place-names, it flows southeast off of Pigeon Mountain in Walker County Georgia.  However, geologically speaking, PigeonMountain is really just a peninsula off of LookoutMountain.  Its geology is identical and as a whole, along with SandMountain to the west, both are dissected remnants of the southernmost extension of the Appalachian Plateau.  Putting all those semantics aside, the important thing for paddlers is that this peninsula, whatever name you want to call it, has the same characteristics that have created so many quality, runnable waterways all over LookoutMountain and SandMountain.

Below: Adam Goshorn and Jesse Carter scouting early in the steep section.

AG and JC by BT 1

Below: There is much more to the steepest section than what is shown below, but these two photos below, shown together start to give you an idea of just how stacked it really is.

Steep Section Composite

I have been involved in a number of runs that were probably first descents; creeks that I honestly believe that our group was the first to descend in boats.  However, I always prefer to add some qualifiers, such as, “possible” first descent or first “known” descent because the reality is, there is no way to know with absolute certainty.  Perhaps we were actually the first or perhaps just the first to document anything about our descent, after all there have been many generations of boaters who all had the same itch to explore.  As of this writing, we have asked a lot of the usual suspects and have yet to find anyone else who has run McWhorterGulf or knows anything about anyone else running it.  However, maybe the pictures and video from our run will bring someone out of the woodwork who has knowledge of a previous run.  For now, I will say that April 7, 2014 was possibly the first descent of McWhorterGulf.  Paddlers included Jesse Carter, Pat Smith, Ben Trister, and myself, Adam Goshorn.

For more photos from our run, check out my personal blog HERE.

Until Next Time…

-Adam Goshorn

Below: Adam Goshorn on some of the last good rapids before the take-out.

AG by BT 1

AG by BT 2


Team Tour Part One – Markkleberg

Welcome to the Pyranha Team Tour 2014.  Our first stop this year was the XXL Paddle Festival at the Kanu White Water Park in Markkleeberg, Germany between the 2 and 4th of May. (May the 4th be with you :-).

Main centre and terrace overlooking the course

Main centre and terrace overlooking the course

This event really kick started out tour with over 500 kayakers and a total over 1500 people attending.  The weather tried to break us but we all prevailed.  The days were mild but quite windy and the nights sleeping in the van were at times, desperate.

Our journey out to XXL was broken up with a nice ferry cruise and a hook up with fellow kayaker and friend, Eric Walter.  Eric is a German freestyler who is now residing with David Bain in Nottingham.   On this occasion, Eric was staying at his hometown in Dusseldorf.  We spent the night there before continuing our journey to Markkleeberg.

Lake at Markkleeberg

Lake at Markkleeberg

Our stand was situated in a prime location at the festival next to the white water along side Jutta Kaiser from HF and Ollie and Ingrid Grau from Werner / Sweet.  We also had Haglofs father and daughter combo next to us who were quite friendly offering us sweets and warm jackets all weekend.

Trade stands alongside the white water

Trade stands alongside the white water

It was a real pleasure to see so many people enjoying paddle sport.  I mean there were hundreds of people on and in the water doing one thing or another in boats ranging from modern day white water kayaks to some of the first kayaks ever made mixed with innovative inflatable kayak and raft designs.

White water fun on the intermediate course

White water fun on the intermediate course

We had a great time representing Pyranha demoing over 70 of our kayak fleet over the weekend and selling a fair few tee shirts and caps.  We spent most of the time however providing the general public with information about our latest boats and giving advice on which boats they should be looking to try in 2014.

Future team members

Future team members

This was a really fun event with lots going on.  As well as the paddling and trade show their were events in boater x, freestyle and raft racing.  On Saturday evening Olaf Obsommer made a nice talk and presentation on some of his recent kayaking adventures.  All in all, a really well organised event that we will strive to be a part of again next year.  If you are in the area, I would highly recommend a visit.  For more information visit Paddelfestival Markkleeberg on facebook alternatively visit

Boater X Saturday night

 Saturday night Boater X

After the event was drawn to a close on Sunday afternoon, we drove to Augsburg for a few days rest and to catch up on life.  We stayed with fellow team paddler Thomas Funke and managed to get a nice paddle on the slalom course where we would be visiting again in a week’s time to provide an event.  We are now cruising to Innsbruck, Austria for the S2S Kayak Festival over the weekend.  Our next Update will be in a weeks time showing what we have been up to in Austria.  Keep you eye out for the Team Van if your in the area and come say ‘hi’ and come try one of our new boats, they are selling like hot cakes!  Until then, Ciao.

Pyranha Team Van 🙂

You can also check our progress on Facebook.   Images : David Bain & Matt Cooke

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