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Gerd Serrasolses 2014 year review

I guess you are normally supposed to do this before the year actually ends but I was busy traveling in southern Chile so I didn’t have time then. Here it is anyway!

2014 was a great year, super fun and almost 100% injury free with lots of kayaking on my favorite destinations! So stoked to be living this life right now, focusing on traveling, kayaking and trying to enjoy life to the fullest!

I spent the winter in Okere Falls, New Zealand where I did lots of paddling on the Kaituna, slept in a bed every night and had tons of fun hanging out, learning to surf and taking part on the different kiwi events. Went to the South Island in February but got injured on the Citroen BoaterX and couldn’t paddle any of the West Coast classics. I guess I’ll just have to go back!

Early March we flew to Vancouver, bought a 22 year old Astro van and started the drive south to the Gorge, WA. Settled down at Todd’s trailer and paddled non stop. We had nice weather and great levels on the Little White and White Salmon, it was a great season with lots of boating with amazing friends on my favorite spot in the world. Spring went by really fast and we left to the White Water Grand Prix in Quebec for a couple weeks in May.

We found big waves and lots of ice! It was good times with lots of freestyle and some good boating around Quebec and a 5th place finish with some bad luck and pretty average performances on most of the stages.

After Canada it was time for some races on the NW! First off we went to the Big Fork event in Montana, organized by my friend Jonny Meyers it was a great weekend with 3 different races (downriver, slalom and GS) for the overall. I was so stoked to take first and bring home some cash!

One of my personal most important races of the season was next, the Little White Salmon race! After some good training thisyear I was feeling really good, the 9r prototype was working really well and I was stoked. Race day didn’t go too well though, never felt good during the 15 minutes race, had a numb leg and went too hard at the start having nothing left for the end… Not feeling good about my downriver race run I was fired up to do well on the Spirit slalom. Training run was great, race run I go off and miss gate 1! Ahhhh  anyways it was a great weekend and finishing second wasn’t that bad! Stoked for Evan to take his second title and can’t wait for another chance next year!

After Ldub race is Idaho bound! We drove to Banks to paddle the North Fork everyday and get ready for the NFC III. On Thursday we had the Expert Lower 3 race, a 10 minutes race down some class III-IV where its pretty hard to go fast as there are lots of crashing waves and white water. I did my best but had lots of trouble keeping the boat under control and doing many mistakes, at the end I got first with less than a second lead though, it was a tight one! After the premiere in Boise where we showed our new SBP reel 2014 and partied a bit everyone got ready for Saturday at Jakes. I had two decent runs but lost quite a bit of time on gate 2 on both runs and hit a few more rocks than desired. This conservative runs were only good enough for 4th place this year, will have to go faster and take more chances next year for sure!

We paddled the North Fork for another week and then headed up to the Payette River Games just a few miles upstream. I entered the freestyle, boaterX and 8Ball races. Ended up 10th at the freestyle event after a couple training sessions, got 4th at the 8Ball and luckily took the win at the boaterX going home with some more dolla$! So stoked! After the PRG I started the drive back west and then north back to Canada, it’s BC time!

Got to Whistler early July, started working at Wedge rafting and padded the Cheak and Callaghan everyday with Ali and friends, pretty good times! Unfortunately the levels weren’t as high as I expected but it was a good time! We entered the Cheak time trial and the Callaghan race. I managed to win both events and it was a really nice time.

Time went by fast and the Stikine dropped in earlier than expected so by August 1st I quit and got ready to head north. After a long drive we got to the put in of this magical place ready to go for the first trip of the season. Nice weather, good flow and a sick crew, let’s go! We took it easy shooting a bunch and making it the traditional 3 day trip. We did another 3 day trip with great water levels and an awesome one day. It’s such an amazing place!

After the Stikine we went to Revelstoke where there wasn’t much water but enough for Sutherland and Pinkston. After a couple days we drove back to Whistler to finish off the trip on the Ashlu. A couple great weekends on the box and some days on the Cheak left us all tired and ready to go home.

Landed in Spain mid september, hang out for a week painting my grandmas house and paddling in Sort and left to Sickline. Sickline was great, we had good flows and pretty nice weather overall. I surprised myself and I managed to win the qualification on the lower section and clocked a couple fast times on the top section, however I didn’t have a good run on my final and had to content myself with 4th after doing good all weekend… This was my best result yet and a good experience for next edition.

Right after Sick-Line we flew back to BC to finish The Keyhole Red Bull project as we needed Fall lows water flows. Everything went great and I went back home for a few days before flying to Chile for the whole winter.

After some days of traveling troubles I landed in Chile late October and paddled the Maipo just outside of Santiago. We then moved south and paddled around Pucon including a couple trips further south to GolGol area. Mid Novemeber we flew to Mexico for the Rey del Río, an event in Agua Azul that included a BoaterX and a Waterfall comp. After the event we went to Tlapacoyan and paddled on the Alseseca and Jalacingo, two of the best runs in Mexico.

After Mexico we spent some time around Pucón and then traveled south following the water and paddling as many rivers as possible. It’s been an awesome time just camping everywhere and paddling all of the good classics that still have some water. It’s been really dry and all the snow and rain from the winter is almost gone so the rivers are pretty low right now but there’s always water and rivers to paddle, you just have to keep going south.

Overall it’s been a great year for me, I’ve managed to spend all year traveling around the world visiting NZ, the USA, Canada, Chile, México and Argentina and only go home for over 2-3 weeks. I’ve only had minor injuries and I’ve paddled a lot, almost everyday and in some amazing places. I’ve paddled the 9r prototype all spring and I’m now super stoked to have the final version, it’s sick. I feel my paddling still improves year after year even though sometimes it’s hard to see it and easy to get frustrated. I can only ask for 2015 to be as good as 2014 and I’m sure it will be with plenty of adventures and expeditions ahead.


PQ newcomer


First things first, I’m more than excited to be a part of the TeamPyranha! Since I’ve been paddling, I’ve spent most of my time in slalom boats. As they are reactive and challenging, I always chose boats because of how they give me feedback throughout my surfs, runs or “trainings” but also how fun and multipurpose they are. That said, Pyranha boats suit these criterias perfectly.

Movember's win

I started paddling in 1999 in the Valleyfield club summer programs. As I got older, I became a simple summer instructor in 2005 and I worked my way up to become the Technical Manager of this club. In the last couple years, I taught and coached newcomers. Some of them became good enough to compete around Canada and a few places in Europe so I have the chance to follow them sometimes with the help of CKC and the Quebec federation. As of now, while the winter hits its peak here, Read the rest of this entry »


Mexico for mere mortals

I’m pretty lucky to get good leave allowance where I work, so can usually get away for one foreign “lads” boating trip a year on harder rivers, plus one holiday with my better half which (due to her understanding my kayaking addiction) usually involves a good amount of boating – though generally at a more sedate grade!

Despite all manner of awesome footage coming out of Mexico showing enormous falls and grade 5 rapids, the country also harbours some excellent rivers at lower grades – i.e. runnable by mere mortals. Selectively chosen pictures of scenic sunny grade 3 / 4 persuaded my better half and another couple of friends that this was an excellent destination for a boating holiday, and promises of epic food and sunshine sealed the deal.

The first week was spent in and around Ciudad Valles in the north.


The unique travertine slides of the Micos were an awesome warm-up

The unique travertine slides of the Micos were an awesome warm-up


Micos: just like Disneyland

Despite some of the falls dropping >25ft, they were all super friendly with wide lines and minimal holes.

Read the rest of this entry »


Winter on the Mountain with the XL Burn III


Below: Adam Goshorn on Short Creek, photo by Shannon Goshorn


Fresh off a winter Grand Canyon trip, I probably should be working on sorting pictures and video from that trip.  However, ever since I arrived back to my home the opportunities for great boating have kept me happily distracted!  The XL Burn III was awesome in the big water of the Grand Canyon and really shines back home creeking too!  The past few weeks have included lots of runs down our local favorite Little River Canyon at a variety of levels ranging from 250 CFS to 7,000 CFS.  We’ve also gotten runs on Short Creek, Tellico River, Upper Teddy Bear and Lower Teddy Bear.

Below: Adam Goshorn blasting through holes in Little River Canyon, photo by Ben Bernhard

AG Terminal Eddy by BB 2


Below: A mixture of footage from the past few weeks here on Lookout Mountain.  Be sure to set the resolution up to 720 for best viewing!

Below: my wife, Shannon Goshorn, boofing her way down Short Creek, photo by Adam Goshorn



Until next time…

-Adam Goshorn

Below: Adam Goshorn in the XL Burn III in Little River Canyon at a healthy flow, photo by Ben Bernhard

AG Terminal Eddy by BB 1


Tamur with Pat – Nepal River Trip #1


Way back in 2014, I spent six weeks in Nepal; a country that has been on my ‘hit list’ for countless years.  Arriving before the rest of our buddies, Erik Johnson and I signed up for a Tamur river trip with Pat O’Keefe and Ultimate Descents.  I didn’t know much about the trip, but a raft supported river overnighter sounded pretty awesome… and it was.

Photo - Pat O'Keefe

Photo – Pat O’Keefe

The crew at the start of the hike – 20 kayakers, 10 rafters, 12 guides (I made these numbers up, but I think they’re close enough…plenty of good people from all over the map)

You can read more about my trip, but if you don’t like reading, you should probably watch this cool video Nicholas Price filmed and edited… It probably does the trip more justice anyways!

Read the rest of this entry »


Meghalaya 2014

This year’s season in Meghalaya has been absolutely ridiculous. For the past two years we’ve ended up paddling into steep gorges with crazy geography that for the most part have offered up awesome adventures, but often not that great whitewater. This year has delivered on the awesome adventures, but now we’re really starting to make headway with finding some gems!

Scouting one of the first rapids on the Kopili

Scouting one of the first rapids on the Kopili

What has become apparent this year is Meghalaya’s two distinct seasons – monsoon runs and lower water multi-days.

In the monsoon the rains hit hard (wettest place on earth hard), which combined with the sandstone and limestone bedrock in the more modestly steep areas makes for some awesome steep creeking.

As the rains mellowed out we started looking for larger rivers. This year we paddled two new rivers that, combined with the already known lower section of the Kynshi, now means that Meghalaya has three accessable multi-day runs that have enough whitewater to entertain any kayaker looking for a jam packed two and a half weeks.

The Umtrew was one of the first we headed to and is an absolute gem of a river! The first descent (which I unfortunately missed) took the guys three days, on the second run we paddled it in a fairly stress free two days, and whilst I was busy Dan, Jamie and Jakub smashed it in an impressive four hours. This is such an awesome find for Meghalaya’s whitewater as the put-on is only three hours from Shillong, the capital.

One river which kept drawing us back over this season was the Kopili. We paddled it first in September, and returned two more times. Each descent was totally a different water level which really changed the charachter of the run, but each time it was nothing short of world class. Great camping, a wild jungle and a shuttle shorter than an hour for those who would like to smash out laps.

In October I flew home for a wedding, and missed out on the only epic of the trip – The Khri Bah, a river that cuts through a very remote area draining the northern platau. Reports from the lads say it could be immense with less water, so who knows, we might be checking it out in future years.

Of course, it wouldn’t be a proper trip to Meghalaya without paddling the Kynshi, and as we were there for nearly four months this year we made sure we got in a lot of laps. From scary highwater to dirty low water the Kynshi never failed to blow my mind with its incredible scenery, remoteness and phenominally unique whitewater. The more I paddle it the more I love it and it is unquestionably my favorite river in the world.

2014 was an epic season, and I can’t wait to get back next year to see what else is hidden away in Meghalaya’s deep gorges. As always thanks to Zorba Laloo for being a total lad and keeping us away from trouble, Greg Diengdoh for allowing us to convert his house into a paddlers den, and everyone else who makes Meghalaya such a great place to visit year after year.


Sulawesi December 2015… It’s all part of the adventure….


I’ve been home for nearly a week now, having eaten almost my body weight in chocolate and cake to try and put back on the weight I lost while away, coming to the end of my malaria pills, anti-biotics out of my system, tropical jungle rash on my arm slowly fading away, mosquito and ant bites almost not itching anymore…almost.. and with my cuts and bruises clearing up, I can finally reflect back on what was actually an amazing adventure with some fantastic people.

Many people would probably question my sanity at this point (although being mad often helps) ‘I thought you were going on ‘’holiday’’ over Christmas’ I hear you ask…. Well it turns out my definition of a holiday is not that similar to everyone’s…

When Beth mentioned a trip to the jungles of Sulawesi, Indonesia, for three weeks of paddling I don’t think I really put much thought in to the ‘remote jungle’ bit of it and just figured it’d be an amazing paddling adventure with stunning scenery, and it’s only class 4 right?! How hard can it be…..


It’s one thing thinking about the fun of paddling through a jungle… it’s a completely separate story when you’re sat alone on a beach in the middle of said jungle, days away from any help, having seen two of your friends paddle down river after kit and two friends start hiking up through the jungle two hours ago…that’s when you really realise that you’re in the middle of the jungle in the dark with no-one, and all you have are your own thoughts for company.

To say that our first of a four day trip on the Lariang didn’t go quite to plan would be a slight understatement, but what is a trip without a bit of adventure and excitment!

Having had a long day pushing on some high level hard rapids we had to portage up through the jungle, and in getting back on to the water a couple of issues resulted in two boats floating off down river over the next rapid and two members of the group chasing after them. I was the third to start chasing until I got to the lip of the next rapid and had a very sudden back paddle reflex as I saw what I was about to go down through… ‘they can definitely handle getting the boats’ I thought to myself ‘and they definitely don’t need me’…back paddle back paddle…

Having checked the other two were safe, we then made a plan to help me portage the rapid then arrange a meeting place right around the corner, and so they set about their hike up through the jungle in order to get back to where I was going to be waiting.

Once the jungle trekkers were back with me we spent the night as a three, with the other two somewhere further down the river. Dinner ended up being one freeze dried breakfast meal shared between the three of us, and one can of beer (always good to have an emergency can in your boat!). And who would’ve thought you could fit three people into a single person hammock on the floor! Luckily singing Christmas carols in to the night gave us the slight distraction we needed from our situation….I think they call this team bonding?!

It’s amazing how your thoughts on rain change depending on where you are. When at home you get so excited about rain and the rivers coming up, when paddling in monsoon season you spend your whole time praying it would just stop!! The realisation of the daily change in river levels came after a 3 foot rise in an already full river overnight…just makes it more exciting right?!

Once the sun was up we set about the task of reuniting our group! I paddled to the next corner while the others left for another climb up through the jungle. Having got around the corner I spotted all of the boats out on the bank and felt a huge sense of relief that we would all be back as a team soon!…… Another 2 hours spent alone contemplating the world on a rock by the side of the river (there seems to be a pattern here) and we were all back together.

The next three days of the Lariang were spent pretty much trouble free, christmas day paddling down some amazingly big fun rapids with a great group of friends has got to be up there with some of the best paddling days had.

Although I’ve picked out a few of the worse experiences of the trip, this is by no means the overall impression I wish to give, it was an amazing adventure that’s for sure ,but no trip is ever perfect and if you’re after the perfect paddling adventure then you’re probably in the wrong sport!


The fact that we were in the deepest depths of the jungle and far from civilization and help also meant that we got the most beautiful unspoilt scenery, along with some amazing wildlife that I feel so lucky to have been able to experience. The array of large butterflies was amazing, along with the multi-coloured spiders (great to look at from a distance…), and the lizards ranging between one and three foot long that were happily basking in the sunshine on the boulders then the moment you got anywhere near they would launch themselves into the water in front of you and swim a lot closer to you than you really felt comfortable with! Fruit Bats, wild buffalo, monkeys and snakes, eagles that glide their way down the river with you. Also the beautiful display of fire flies that covered the terraces of paddy fields one evening, such a magical sight.


There are definitely creatures that we could’ve done without, the red ants have got to be the worst creatures on this earth, but luckily for most of us they seemed to all like to keep Beth M company, she took them for the team! Large snakes that, thankfully, we only saw by the roads when we were travelling between rivers.

Experiences like this make the river trips as memorable as the rapids, admittedly if some of the rapids were slightly smaller I could’ve enjoyed the scenery more but sometimes your attention is required elsewhere!

Off the river we were amazed at the hospitality of locals, everyone seemed to want to help in any way they could; offering accommodation, food, drinks, trucks and whatever they could find to help us. It is definitely a trait that seems to have been forgotten in everyday life at home and when they have so little do we really believe that having more makes us happier people?!


Before leaving for this trip I decided to take a gamble on the 9R, having paddled it already and loved it the boat still had a reputation for being a ‘race boat’ so when I suggested that I was going to take it to the depths of the jungle and do expeditions with it having not even paddled it with anything more than my packed lunch in, I did get some odd looks and a lot of ‘good luck’ wishes…. turns out that I made the best gamble ever. The 9R outperformed any boat that I have paddled before and actually due to my weight, loading it down with loads of gear probably helped me a little. The change in the way it reacted with 4 days worth of gear in it had only positive effects on the way it handled, and as a result I wouldn’t consider any other boat for trips like this.

Sulawesi has some amazing paddling that I would recommend to anyone that is up for a proper adventure, definitely not for the faint hearted though!! The trip was full of ups and downs, luckily more ups, but even after some bad experiences I still had such an amazing time with memories that will stay with me for a very long time, and some friendships that will definitely last well in to more adventures!


Thanks to everyone involved! Roll on more adventures in 2015….


New years in Ireland

2014 was an amazing year for me, I spent a lot of time on trully awesome waves and rivers, got to run a couple waterfalls and best of all do it all while hanging out with some of my favorite people!
I couldn’t think of a better way to see out such a great year than to head to Ireland for New Years eve and celebrate with the boys!

I’d been to Ireland early in 2014 and gotten really lucky with the levels and we got to run some of the best runs in the country. (See video below)

Unfortunately Ireland is like the the rest of the U.K and is entirely rain dependant, We didn’t hit the jackpot with water levels this time but still got to run some of the classics and had a great time with the Irish paddling community who are always great hosts and fun to be around.

Huge thanks to Adrian Durrant at Great Outdoors, Dublin for hooking us up throughout the trip with equipment, rides and places to stay!

Next stop Uganda!
See you on the water,


Simpler times down South

Hola internet, como estas? Gringo Chris here with an update from Chile! Things have been great down south here in the land of flowing pisco and beautiful women…I mean flowing and beautiful rivers. Many different events and crews have been passing thru the Pucon area. I have been living in Puesco which is the headwaters of the Trancura river. The Puesco is an amazing place that is under the attack by companies that are trying to dam the river and its tributaries. This November Puescofest happened as a celebration to raise awareness of this issue and the issues of other rivers being damed in Chile. It truly was a gathering of culture,positive vibes and love for the rivers. Check out the website for more info!

Heres a sweet photo of a hike right in the backyard of Puesco, thats the road from Pucon to Argentina down there.






The Puesco consists of fast steep creeking with technical and consequential moves. Heres a typical view of the Tres Troncos section on the Puesco.


Just your typical river rats enjoying the good vibes!


Ah, good old Puesco loving. As the water gets lower around Pucon the kayakers journey south to follow the water. This year I got on the Rio GolGol for my first time. It is an amazing mix of scenery and waterfalls! What else do you need?!


Pluggin er in! This is one of the most fun drops on the run, in my opinion. Its the only drop that doesn’t give you any airtime, but rolling down a tongue of water into the softest,deepest hit is a special feeling. This next shot is from the drop called La Princessa, the most challenging drop on the run.


One more week in Pucon to enjoy the rivers, the people and the parties. Its a great scene here but the water is getting low, so its time to move south. The plan is to live on the banks of the Rio Fuy with LJ Groth, come hang out and kayak with team ESCAPE! Providing classes in kayaking, and life styling! Check out our website for more info! Cheers for now internet, back to the mountains and the rivers! Chao!


Just hanging with the locals of the Maichin valley. Peace for now!




Video: 9r on the Green River, North Carolina

Hey ya’ll just a quick post here with a little video from a fun fall lap down the Green River in North Carolina in the 9r. I have been loving this boat! As you can see, the bow rides up and over features super easily and retains speed very well making for a super fast, sporty, fun-as-hell to paddle kayak. Enjoy!

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