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My First Post . . .

River Left Productions

This is my first post for Pyranha Kayaks but I have been affiliated with this company for some time now.  Working for the U.S. distributor in Asheville this past summer was an amazing experience and I learned a lot about the industry.  Boating in Asheville taught me to take advantage of the local creeks and rivers around the area when they are flowing.  Now I’m back home for school in Pennsylvania and work part-time but still find some time to get out and explore some new runs.  Anyways I enjoy making videos and here are two that I recently edited . . .

The Deuce Promo

The first video is an advertisement for a feature-length film uploaded for free on a website I started with a couple of friends.  You can view the entire film here at – River Left Productions.  I also submitted the video for Rider of the Year: Best Online Film and you can view it here – Rider of the Year.

The Deuce

Beartrap Video

The second video is a little edit I put together after a nice surf session out at Holtwood on Beartrap.  Holtwood has been my home play park all my life and it’s what I grew up on.  This amazing playground for boating is being renovated and for more information you should refer to Matt’s earlier post regarding arrangements with PPL click here- Holtwood Whitewater Park.

Photo from last year at Beartrap –


When the Susquehanna is above 6 ft there is usually something going on, when it is super high then that’s when it gets good.  Also, everyone out was either in Varun or Molan and got some incredible rides.  Thanks a lot Pyranha for two great boats!

Peace out,
