- Rory just can’t handle all the excitement at the MOP premiere

 You’ve spent almost a year staring at a computer screen, editing footage and trying to sweet talk artists into giving you rights to their music for free… now what?  Well MOP producer Max Bilbow decided that the next logical step was to convince 140 boater from about the country to come to Leeds, dress up in formal attire, play a game of bingo (!?) and then watch the world premiere of his new DVD, Means of Production… And what an awesome night it was!

- Chris’ version of Bingo – definately not for grannies

Seeing all your scummy paddling mates dressed up in frocks and suits was enough to entertain anybody, however despite having seen much of the movie in its infant stages, I was still inspired watching the finished piece.
Documenting the kayaking travels of Max and his mates, this is a professionally edited movie that manages to avoid taking itself too seriously. Don’t expect any deep philosophical mumbo jumbo rather enjoy a humerous and inspiring look at big drops, steep creeks and sweet waves around the world. MOP will make you giggle and make you cringe, whilst still insipiring you to quit your day job and get out kayaking.
What does really set this video apart from its peers, is the attention to quality of the audio. Tony Bilbow  ( ex BBC) provides a truely British commentary which is carefly juxtaposed against a well mixed mash of tunes, ranging from Ugly Ducking to Frank Turner. The DVD is worth buying for the sound tracks alone.
To find out more about the DVD or to buy your very own copy. Visit http://www.mopmovie.co.uk/dvd.html