Trying to get left on the big un’. The boils were stout I ended up melting into the hyrupÂ
 Below the Stout
Demshitz is here in Chile having a good time. I got to run the stout on the middle Palguin at high flow with Evan Gnarcia. It was a pretty big hit, I broke my paddle and blew my skirt, but it was worth it. After going stouting we decided to go to Argentina to run the Rio Agrio and check out some waterfalls.
 Loading up the KayakPucon van.Â
 El Rio Agrio. This is the drop Josh Bechtel first descented and is in the movie Twitch 5 back in the day.
 Jared on the Agrio. The trees around this river are called Araucarias, and are mystical to Argentineans.Â
Jared firing up the first drop. looks good here…
 After banging his hoos on the wall he pulled off this freewheel thing and pitond the wall near the bottom. Not enough water…as you can see Ian pushed him off the lip about 5 feet from it. muy mal idea.
 A cool drop right after walking Bechtels drop. The river is fun but the water is super gnar from the volcano in the headwaters. Stings the ojos.
 Me on the last drop.
 Ian on the same drop. Fred Norquist photos.
 A 1 million footer we found. Is it possible? Demshitz wonders…brown in river.
Back in Pucon now after driving for days and not kayaking for more than a hour in Argentina, looking for stouts can skunk you out sometimes, all part of the game. Rodrigo Evan Ian and Jared ran the Puesco yesterday at high water, they said it was really fun, I was not feeling it because I inhaled dust for a few days and my nose hyrup was all gone.