On the 5th and 6th of April over 110 ladies descended on North Wales for the second Ladies Paddle Symposium, organised and run by team paddler and coach Frannie Kohn.
Once again it was a multi-discipline event with more than 30 white water kayak, sea kayak, freestyle, open canoe and white water safety& rescue coaches running sessions over the weekend.
The weekend started on the Friday evening with the ladies on the residential option booking in and picking up their goodies – stickers from River Flair, LPS t-shirts and yummy 9 Bars !
Saturday morning saw the Ladies collecting their demo boats, which had been kindly supplied by Pyranha and Palm, although some chose to use their own more old school kit, with great success!
For most it was a wet and windy day, but everyone came back smiling for a well earned and delicious meal at Glan Llyn.
In the evening there were some inspiring talks from Sara James on motivation and inspiration, and Deb Pinniger on trust and her experiences on the Zanskar river, captured in black and white.
There was also a fascinating presentation from Shelley Broomfield on her Phd into how paddling efficiency relates to seat height (if you’d like to participate in her research study email sbroomfield@bournemouth.ac.uk ) and a raffle raising money for the Womens Sport Trust which raised £616 pounds!
With so many happy ladies, we better get organising next year!
Many thanks to Paul Smith, Fiona Dubber, Susie Walker, Sharon McGovern and Diane Lee for the photos!