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Labor Day in New York


finding a line on the Mosier

Last weekend was the 3rd year I made it up to New York for Beaver Fest (really there is no festival) and it was another awesome trip. Friday I met up with the Barkets’ in Harrisburg for the 6 hour drive to Colton and the search for a campsite at 1 am. The next morning we drove to the put-in of the Raquette and met up with a rather large entourage. After waiting for the release we hoped on and had a great day with some entertaining carnage.

Art showing the route    Art showing the route


Brenton getting air
John cleaning the Tubs    John cleaning the Tubs
After the Raquette we headed to the perfect campsite on the Taylorsville. The next day consisted of the Mosier section of the Beaver followed by a handful of rounds on the Eagle section. 
dropping in on the slide    dropping in on the slide
finishing off the slide    finishing off the slide
a Jason "sieve splat" specialty    a Jason “sieve splat” specialty
going right with Brenton going left    going right with Brenton going left

Another night at the Taylorsville was followed by 2 laps on the Taylorville early in the morning and then the long drive home. All-in-all a great Labor Day weekend. Check out the video from the weekend and the rest of the pics at Art’s Picasa.

Brad at the Taylorsville dam    Brad at the Taylorsville dam

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