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Cody kayaking japan

In 2008, myself and team of three traveled to Japan in search of new whitewater. Documenting the trip in Huckin Huge’s first release, The Risen Sun, we scored a month straight of 2 rivers a day. Since, i’ve been chopping at the bit to go back. Fast forward to earlier this winter, I found myself with tickets in hand and a great team along for another trip overseas! Shortly after booking the tickets, disaster struck and the massive earthquake / tsunami took out the Northwest shoreline of the main island of Japan. This and the thereafter nuclear crisis had us questioning the feasibility of going over there. After speaking with friends on the island and some research, we determined that if we stayed out of the radiation evacuation zone, we’d be okay in that aspect, but our plans would slightly shift. We intended on going over there with small donations we could get on the plane and volunteer our help in the devastation area. The trip went off without a hitch and we wrote live team updates for Canoe & Kayak Magazine. Follow the links below to view these updates and a teaser video:

Teaser Video: Expedition East

Update 1: Postcards from the Edge

Update 2: Postcards from the Edge 2

Update 3: Postcards from the Edge 3

FYI – The ammo was a blast!