After the Teva Mountain Games we spent a couple of days surfing Glenwood Springs Wave at ideal levels before heading back to Vail for a Kayak Demo Session with Alpine Quest Sports. We had fun playing with the bladders to adjust the Vail hole and trying to avoid hypothermia while throwing loops with our buddies Ross and John from Alpine Quest.
Whilst surfing Glenwood, Craig took Pyranha’s new river running playboat; the Varun out for a test drive. We already knew it was a great river running boat, but it was good to see how well it also surfed big waves. Craig was throwing all sorts of tricks.
Above and below Craig shows off his Molan surfing ninja skills.
Mike Patterson throws some backwards tricky maneuver
Pink helmet… that’s me
Dave can blunt forwards, backwards, left, and right… wizardry
Above picture says it all. Below Mike Patterson shows off for the crowd.
There will be a Glenwood video.. coming SOOOOON!!