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Category Archive: Paddler Lifestyle Articles

Reports on what the Pyranha World Team has been up to


Meet Our Ambassadors, Part 1

Taking the time to learn more about the paddlers who make up our community of ambassadors has been such a rewarding experience. To be able to reach out to someone, asking them to share a window into their life- how they got into paddling and what it means for them to be an ambassador, opens up your eyes to the amazing community of paddlers that surrounds us.


Pyranha’s Ambassador Program

Here at Pyranha, we have one of the largest families of paddlers around. Allow us to introduce you!


Getting Injured on a Kayaking Trip

What do you do when an injury prevents you from kayaking? Laura Hofberger picked up a new hobby…


Get to Know Your Demons

What I love about kayaking is that on the one side I have moments of deep reflection on the river and on the other side have moments of no thoughts at all and just being in the moment. Sometimes, those two sides are very close together in time.


10 Years Later; I Wouldn’t Change a Thing

When I was 10 years old, the Pyranha Jed came out. I wanted this kayak so bad, and I begged my parents to get this boat for me! When Christmas rolled around in 2012, I look under the tree and there was a Pyranha Jed with my name on it. Ten years later, I am …

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Can’t Hit the River? This is the Blog for You!

When I made the decision to attend Columbus State University, I expected to be kayaking at least three to four times a week; the Chattahoochee is 15 minutes from CSU! I did not expect that I’d kayak less here than I ever have in the past 15 years.


The Zambezi Again?

No matter where life leads me, there is one river that will have me forever coming back; the Zambezi.


When Fishy Met Sally…

Sal Montgomery takes some time out to answer a whole heap of questions on various subjects; check it out!


Help build an Outdoor Center for Women in Nepal

Support Project Lifetrek; a women’s outdoor education Center in Nepal founded by Anu Shrestha, aiming to empower the young women of Nepal.


Working on a Film Shoot

The season was drawing to an end in Austria, and I was facing a choice between lockdown in the UK or lockdown in Austria when I received an Instagram message from Josh at Bali productions. The tourism board was filming a new tourism campaign based around action sports and were in need of a kayaker…

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