For the fifth time in six years, in December 2014 I found myself climbing into a Pyranha boat and sliding into the waters of the Colorado River at Lees Ferry, Arizona. Previously I’ve paddled the Grand Canyon with raft-support in an Everest, Burn II, and Shiva; and one self-support trip in the Fusion. This time …
Category Archive: Paddler Lifestyle Articles
Reports on what the Pyranha World Team has been up to
British Universities Creek Race 2015
This March saw the third annual British Universities Creek Race take place in Glen Etive, Scotland. In the event’s short history the race has seen super low levels in it’s first year and beautiful medium levels last year. Fortunately the river gods have continued this theme of escalation and this year we were treated with …
9R Review – More than just a race boat!
I was lucky enough to try the 9R prototype back in August and ever since have been in love with the boat. I have had the opportunity to try it in a number of different situations – steep creeks to big volume, river running to racing to expeditions, and it just keeps surprising me by …
Spring in Northern Vermont has finally arrived!!
Spring in Northern New England brings together a lot of great things. The obvious benefit of spring for paddlers is the warmer weather melting snow (this winter we had a lot of it!) and transforming the rivers from picturesque ice sculptures back into the whitewater playgrounds we cherish. It just so happens that this same …
XCreek at X2 Festivalen in Volda, Norway
Last weekend I travelled across Norway to XCreek, the first race in the 2015 Norwegian racing season. XCreek is the kayaking part of X2 Festivalen, an extreme sports festival based in Volda. We spent the long weekend exploring the local rivers, racing, and then partying with skiers, snowboarders, surfers, skaters, base jumpers and longboarders among …
Tsarap Chu – A Mildy Quick Decent
A phone call later and our planned commercial Zanskar multi day expeditions was cancelled. As always before any decision was made a mug of chi was needed. This allowed us time to take in surroundings and think. Daz Clarkson-King and me a long time holiday boater had a week before an IRF course based on …
Humla Karnali – 2015
The Humla district in the west of Nepal is one of the highest and most remote in Nepal. Getting there ether involves a nine day walk from the nearest road, or a flight landing onto a short, sloping runway in Simikot. Many pilgrims travel through Simikot on their journey to Mt. Kailash. However, we were …
Tallulah Fest 2015
The Tallulah is one of the coolest dam released rivers out there. Long slides, great boofs and a pool drop style see’s kayakers of all abilities flocking to this south east classic. Saturday we got to take a nice leisurely stroll down 600 or so steps and then cruise down the river with a …
Why Kayaking and the LPS are Awesome (As if You Needed an Article to Tell You!)
The Ladies Paddle Symposium 2015 is coming up this weekend, and some last minute places have just opened up; if you’re interested, please call 07737 040 785. Here are some words from Susanna Rickard about last year’s event! I hadn’t realised a jaw could really, physically drop until Fran read out my name as winner of a …
FREE Demshitz Video Boating Waterfall Clinic
Paddler: Dave Fusilli Photo: Aniol Serrasolses Come one come all. We will have boats to demo and skills to pass along! See you on the water! Demshitz Day with Alder Creek! What: FREE Video and Waterfall Clinic with the Pros! When: April 5th 11AM-3PM Easter Sunday Where: Sunset Falls Park on the East Fork Lewis …