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Mikey Abbott

Author's details

Name: Mikey Abbott
Date registered: January 3, 2012

Latest posts

  1. Pyranha Memories: The Whitewater Warriors take on the rock slides and launch ramps of Flatekval Elva — February 19, 2019
  2. Ammos in Action. — May 23, 2007
  3. Expedition at work!!! — December 24, 2006
  4. West Coast Afternoon mission…. — October 21, 2006
  5. Norwegian Summer. Once were Warriors.. — September 4, 2006

Author's posts listings


Pyranha Memories: The Whitewater Warriors take on the rock slides and launch ramps of Flatekval Elva

With the extra protection of a motocross top borrowed from Arnt Schaftlein, I went first. I sensed quite early that I struggled to get the boat to track early to the left and flew straight on to the kicker and started flying…


Ammos in Action.

The Warriors and friends recently hit one of our favourite local runs the Branseth Elva. We took the opportunity to test our Ammos on the slides and technical drops, and they ripped. Super manoeverable, easy to boof and catch the smallest eddies, which was handy at the crux of the s-bend.


Expedition at work!!!

In November I accompanied a group of students on a 10 day expedition. They are 1st year students of Outdoor recreation , and most have started kayaking this year. We walked for 5 days over a couple of peaks, and reached the headwaters of the Clarence river , then spent 5 days descending the 200km …

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West Coast Afternoon mission….

The wild west coast of New Zealand is real adventure boating. An afternoon boating is often a multi-sport experience. Hokitika local Tim Abbott and his brother Mike, hit the Styx at nice levels.


Norwegian Summer. Once were Warriors..

Well its been the driest summer ever (except when Rob visited!!) and finally it has started raining again!!!! Here are some images of summer fun.                     Â