Owning just one kayak seems a thing of the past; in the days of kayaks becoming more and more specialised, many paddlers have multiple boats and a range of options depending on what kind of water they want to paddle. Having observed the transition from paddlers doing everything from rodeo to waterfalls in the same boat, to paddlers now selecting a particular boat to match their wave/waterfall/race, you might think that the “all river” type boat is a thing of the past.
This isn’t a new boat to Pyranha’s range, but it certainly is one of the unsung heroes; you won’t see it winning freestyle competitions or being used to break waterfall records, but you will see it out there every day on the water, earning its money with paddlers, enthusiasts, clubs and coaches. From entry level to pro, this is one kayak that everyone can get something from; allow me to reintroduce… the Z.One!

Fast, dynamic, precise
The Z.One is fast, agile and so much fun to paddle. The hull is incredible with enough rocker to keep your bow dry when moving over waves and holes, but enough length and edge to make sure you keep your speed and stay on line when flying around the river. With one boat you can carve the river, surf waves and play in stoppers or holes. The Z.One is also a perfect training boat for intermediates and experts developing their skills on the river. You’ll have more fun in this on your regular grade 3 run than you will in your creek boat!

Chris Brain going old school! (to be honest stern squirts never went out of fashion did they?)
For many Pyranha paddlers, this boat has become their first choice for anything that isn’t at the extreme ends of the sport; for all-round river performance that puts a smile on your face, it is up there with the best.
I have used the Z.One on a full range of rivers and have seen it excel at punching through holes, tackling big water and of course technical whitewater where you need to be able to make quick corrections to avoid rocks and features.
Team Pyranha paddlers love it too
“For me, the Z.One gives me the sneaky opportunity during coaching sessions to have a little tail squirt whilst no one is looking. In the past 18 months, I’ve paddled little else. When coaching the boat gives great demos, movements are clearly visible to students and encourages me to paddle well, demonstrating good technique all the time. When paddling for fun I can catch lots of waves on the fly, run some great lines with quick changing momentum and it keeps me on my toes on harder stuff. What’s not to like?”
Chris Eastabrook -Team Pyranha

Chris Eastabrook showing how much fun you can have on the river in his favourite boat

Driving through stoppers with ease
“As a recreational paddler I find the Z.One a really enjoyable boat to paddle. It’s fast, playful and fun on Class II/III water and provides the ideal craft for me to look after club paddlers, whilst also coaching river skills.
The Z.One really comes into its own on the surf too. I always look forward to taking it to Cornwall several times a year where I can ride the waves, practice my rolls if need be and just have some quality fun with my fellow Z.One paddlers, who are also smitten with the way it performs.
Long live the Z.One is what I say!”
Clare Morgan – Team Pyranha
Our students love it too!
“I love my Pyranha Z.One Kayak because even when the water levels are low I can still practice my stern squirts >> This boat is clearly the superior of all kayaks!!”
Ellie Selley, 2nd year outdoor leadership student at UCLan.

Even when there’s no water Ellie still has fun in her Z.One!
“I love my Z.One as it is not only a reliable river runner, but also a great boat to play around in. As well as being even easier to roll than a burn!! Since swapping to a Z.One, my balance and stability in the boat has improved and has helped to better my overall kayaking.”
Bethany Wilson

Beth Wilson loves her Z.One that much she keeps it in her bedroom!
So If you are finding that your creek boat isn’t responsive enough for your local river run, or you are wanting to catch every eddy, make every move and surf every wave then you really should take a look at the Z. One,we love it and we know you will too!
Thanks to Chris Eastabrook, Claire Morgan, Bethany Wilson and Ellie Selley for having fun in their Z.One and their input. Thanks to Rachel Burke and Dougal Gray for photos
Chris Brain