This past weekend we had fun gambling, kayaking, and experiencing city life during the Reno River Festival. The rest of Demshitz have been on official summer tour for awhile, but it was my first stop and I was stoked to get back in my Molan and Burn!
Monthly Archive: May 2011
Off to Japan (with a last minute overnighter)
Sayonara! We are out of here, off to Japan for some boating and to help out some friends! Just before stepping out the door, I was able to get on an obscure, but super worthy run: Long Canyon into the Rubicon River. This stout canyon (yes canyon, not even labeled on some maps as a …
Southampton Uni Hit Scotland
Winning ‘The Spirit of PGL’ award at this year’s National Student Rodeo we bagged ourselves a year’s sponsorship with Pyranha and six shiny new boats! So whilst the boats make their way to us, here’s a splash of what we’ve been getting up to with a bit of classic Scotland: After having a pretty scrapey …
Time to get fired up for the Teigdalen
We had loads of snow here in Voss over the winter and its all starting to melt. So thats can only mean one thing… Its time to start getting fired up and get ya huck on ! That can only mean one thing Teigdal… Here is a bunch of pictures from past trips to wet …
A Spring To Remember In The Northeastern U.S.
  It has certainly been a spring to remember in the Northeastern U.S. The combination of plentiful snow late in the season and freakishly intense April thunderstorms brought some local river systems to record high flows. Old-timers in the Adirondacks saay they have NEVER seen this kind of local flooding. There has been major devastation to infrastructre …
The Tour has begun.
Dave picked me up from my home in PA at the beginning of April and we’ve been on the road ever since. Our first stop was the Tariffville Triple Crown were we also did a boat demo for Collinsville Canoe and Kayak. We held our own amongst some good slalom paddlers, and Demshitz even made …
Taking Care of Business
Sweet video Craig Kleckner just put together from the Dries of the New and Manns Creek! Click here
Southeast Mini-Vaca
Its safe to say that the last week has been my best week of kayaking in the southeast to date. My schedule was lucky enough to combine with one of the biggest rain events of the year, and a primed water table, making for a great week to go kayaking. The week started out with …