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Monthly Archive: September 2009


New Demshitz Video : Raquette with Randy Youngbuck

check out this video Demshitz put together of the Raquette River in New York last weekend. Featuring Randy Youngbuck’s Demshitz debut. Enjoy. Raquette with Randy Video


World Championship Thun 2009

Hi, I have some news from freestyle. Last week ICF World Cahmpionship took place in Switzerland. The wave in Thun was very changeable and not so big. But the event ran over eficient and thaks for organizers. More info and results:


Checking in from Puerto Vallarta

We´ve been on mission after mission, spending days in deep coastal jungle gorges.   Now with a massive storm swell about to smash into town, things should get REALLY interesting!  Stay tuned to Huckin and follow our adventure on the news page (here).  Here are some pics of the last 3 day overnighter as it …

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My Last Days in Norway

I closed out my month of working and paddling in Norway with a lot of work, and even more paddling.  Two highlights were the Bovra Gorge and the Lower Rauma. The whole trip completely blew my mind.  The paddling was great, the work was plentiful, and the rafting was fun.  I was fortunate enough to …

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